Graduate Students:
Luke Conners is a 5th year PhD student, currently working on colored triply-graded link homology. Here’s his paper Row-Column Mirror Symmetry for Colored Torus Knot Homology (to appear in Selecta) and his paper Fray functors and equivalence of colored HOMFLYPT homologies (preprint).
Logan Gray is a 3rd year PhD student, currently working on link homology in type B.
Terence Carey is a 1st year PhD student.
Andrew Adair defended his PhD thesis “Categorification of braid group representations” in Spring 2024. He has accepted a position as a mathematician at the Department of Defense.
Lily Gergle defended her honors thesis Categorification techniques for Temperley–Lieb category and Web(sp(4)) in Spring 2021. Lily completed Part III at the University of Cambridge in 2022 and is currently a PhD student at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
Dylan O’Connor defended his honors thesis, An introduction to the volume conjecture, in Spring 2020. Dylan is currently a PhD student at the CUNY graduate center.
Logan Tatham defended his PhD thesis, On the quantum type C spider, in Spring 2020. Our joint publications are here, here, and here (the latter two also joint with Bodish and Elias). Logan is currently a mathematician at the Department of Defense.
Gillian Taylor defended her honors thesis 3-Manifold Invariants in the Category Web(sp(4)) in Spring 2022. Read a Q&A with Gillian here.
Abby Watkins defended her honors thesis on traces of the Temperley-Lieb category in Spring 2021. Abby is currently a PhD student at the University of Indiana.